How to calculate CGPA [CGPA Calculation: A Step-by-Step Comprehensive Guide]

How to calculate CGPA || Best Way to Calculate CGPA || What is CGPA and how its Important || How to Calculate CGPA in Percentage  || How to Calculate CGPA from Grades || How to Calculate CGPA from Marks

A student’s total academic achievement throughout the course of their academic career is gauged using their cumulative grade point average (CGPA). It is determined by averaging a student’s grade points across all disciplines over a specific academic year or semester.

The importance of calculating CGPA may be attributed to various factors:

  • Evaluation of academic performance: CGPA aids in determining how well a student has performed academically throughout the course of their academic career. It gives an indication of the student’s academic aptitude and enables them to pinpoint their areas of improvement.
  • Admission to higher education: Universities and colleges take CGPA into consideration when deciding who gets into their programmes. A high CGPA can improve admissions prospects and aid in obtaining scholarships and other forms of financial aid.
  • Opportunities for employment: When employing recent graduates, many businesses also take CGPA into account. A strong CGPA might help an applicant stand out from the crowd and improve their chances of landing a job.
  • Self-evaluation: The CGPA also assists students in evaluating their own performance and setting objectives for future academic success. They can then focus on improving their flaws and identifying their strengths.

What is CGPA and how its Important?

Cumulative Grade Point Average is referred to as CGPA. It is a system of grades that educational institutions use to assess a student’s academic progress over time, usually over the course of a semester or academic year. The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is determined by averaging a student’s grade points across all disciplines over a specified time period. Each grade letter a student obtains is allocated a grade point, and the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is computed on a scale of 10 or 4, depending on the institution’s rules.

Importance Of CGPA

The cumulative grade point average, or CGPA, is a crucial indicator for students since it gives a broad picture of their academic success. Here are some of the main explanations for the significance of CGPA:

  1. A technique of measuring academic achievement that is consistent across many educational institutions, and courses is the CGPA.
  2. A minimum cumulative grade point average must be maintained by students in order to be eligible for many scholarships and grants.
  3. Opportunities for employment: Employers frequently use CGPA as a gauge of a candidate’s academic prowess and work ethic, especially for entry-level roles.
  4. For admission to graduate programs or professional schools, many higher education institutions set a minimum CGPA.
  5. Personal development: Keeping track of your CGPA may help you create academic objectives and track your progress towards reaching them, which can help you improve personally.

Overall, students should monitor and maintain their CGPA because it might have a big influence on their future academic and professional chances.

How to calculate CGPA [Best Way to Calculate CGPA]

The procedures below should be used to determine CGPA.

  • Convert the grades earned in each topic to the corresponding grade points in accordance with your university’s or the grading board.
  • Add the credit points allocated to each topic to the grade points for that subject. The grade report or transcript will often list the credit points.
  • Total the grade points earned across all topics.
  • Subtract the total number of credits for all the topics from the total grade points. You will then be given your CGPA.

For example, if you have scored the following grades and credit hours in four subjects:

Subject 1: Grade A, 3 credit hours

Subject 2: Grade B, 4 credit hours

Subject 3: Grade A-, 3 credit hours

Subject 4: Grade B+, 2 credit hours

Then, the calculation for CGPA would be:

Subject 1: 4.00 x 3 = 12.00

Subject 2: 3.00 x 4 = 12.00

Subject 3: 3.67 x 3 = 11.01

Subject 4: 3.33 x 2 = 6.66

Total Grade Points = 12.00 + 12.00 + 11.01 + 6.66 = 41.67

Total Credit Hours = 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 12

CGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credit Hours = 41.67 / 12 = 3.47

Therefore, the CGPA in this example is 3.47

How to Calculate CGPA in Percentage (%)?

You must multiply your CGPA by a factor of 9.5 in order to convert it to a percentage (%).

Converting CGPA to a percentage is as follows:

Percent (%) = CGPA multiplied by 9.5 [CGPA*9.5]

If your CGPA is 8.5, for instance, you would calculate it as follows to convert it to a percentage:

8.5 times 9.5 is 80.75% in percentage (%)

Your percentage score would be 80.75% as a result.

Any scale’s CGPA can be converted to a percentage using this method.

How to Calculate CGPA from Grades?

You may use the procedures below to get your CGPA based on your grades:

Assign numerical values to each grade in accordance with your institution’s grading policy. If your school utilizes a 10-point grading scale, for instance, you may give the following numbers numerical values:

  • A+ = 10
  • A = 9
  • B+ = 8
  • B = 7
  • C+ = 6
  • C = 5
  • D+ = 4
  • D = 3
  • F = 0

Add the equivalent credit hours to the grade point for each subject. For instance, if you earned an A in a course worth 3 credits, you would multiply 10 (the grade point for an A) by 3 (the number of credits in the course), which would give you 30.

For each course in the semester or academic year, repeat step 2 here.

Total up each student’s course grade points.

Add up the total number of credits for all the courses.

To calculate the CGPA, divide the total grade points by the total number of credits.

For example, if you received the following grades and credit hours in a semester:

Course 1: A (3 credit hours)

Course 2: B+ (4 credit hours)

Course 3: A- (2 credit hours)

You can calculate your CGPA as follows:

  • Grade point for A = 10
  • Grade point for B+ = 8
  • Grade point for A- = 9
  • Grade points for Course 1 = 10 x 3 = 30
  • Grade points for Course 2 = 8 x 4 = 32
  • Grade points for Course 3 = 9 x 2 = 18
  • Total grade points = 30 + 32 + 18 = 80
  • Total credit hours = 3 + 4 + 2 = 9

CGPA = Total grade points / Total credit hours

80 / 9 = 8.89 (rounded to two decimal places)

How to Calculate CGPA from Marks?

To calculate CGPA from marks, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Convert the marks obtained in each subject to grade points as per the grading system of your institution.
  2. Calculate the credit hours for each subject.
  3. Multiply the grade points obtained in each subject by its credit hours.
  4. Add up the total grade points obtained in all the subjects.
  5. Add up the total credit hours of all the subjects.
  6. Divide the total grade points by the total credit hours to get the CGPA.

Here’s an example to illustrate this:

Suppose you have obtained the following marks in four subjects:

Subject A: 85 marks

Subject B: 75 marks

Subject C: 90 marks

Subject D: 80 marks

The grading system for your institution is as follows:

Marks Grade Points

90-100 =10

80-89 =9

70-79 =8

60-69 =7

50-59 =6

40-49 =5

Below 40 =0

The credit hours for each subject are:

Subject A: 3 credit hours

Subject B: 4 credit hours

Subject C: 2 credit hours

Subject D: 3 credit hours

Using the grading system, you can calculate the grade points obtained in each subject as follows:

Subject A: 9 (since the marks obtained are between 80-89, which corresponds to a grade point of 9)

Subject B: 8 (since the marks obtained are between 70-79, which corresponds to a grade point of 8)

Subject C: 10 (since the marks obtained are between 90-100, which corresponds to a grade point of 10)

Subject D: 9 (since the marks obtained are between 80-89, which corresponds to a grade point of 9)

Now, you can calculate the total grade points by multiplying the grade points obtained in each subject by its credit hours:

Total grade points = (9 x 3) + (8 x 4) + (10 x 2) + (9 x 3) = 27 + 32 + 20 + 27 = 106

And, you can calculate the total credit hours by adding up the credit hours of all the subjects:

Total credit hours = 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 12

Finally, you can calculate the CGPA by dividing the total grade points by the total credit hours:

CGPA = Total grade points / Total credit hours = 106 / 12 = 8.83 (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the CGPA for these marks is 8.83.

Conclusion for How to Calculate CGPA

In conclusion, CGPA is a crucial indicator of academic achievement that is employed by educational institutions all around the world. It is determined by adding up all the credits and grade points a student has accumulated throughout the course of their academic career.

By translating their grades into grade points and multiplying them by the relevant credit hours, students may get their CGPA. Maintaining a strong CGPA is crucial for students since it may significantly affect their future academic and professional chances. Knowing how to calculate CGPA correctly enables students to keep track of their academic progress and, if required, take the appropriate actions to enhance their performance.

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